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Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Project No.7: Yay Doggy!

Found items collage

Rubbings collage

Trompe L'oeil

Objective: Yet again another three-part project where we are required to choose an animal or insect to render it in three different ways. First way is to make a collage of the animal out of rubbings from interesting textures that we find. Second way is to do a Trompe L'Oeil (deceptive) drawing of the animal. Then finally, we need to make one more collage but this time out of found physical items. The point of this project is to perfectly capture the texture of whatever animal that we choose.

Progress: Here was my chain of reactions when I heard that this was again a three-part project: 

/shock What you say!?
/blur A-again?
/omg This cannot be happening!!
/floor Nooooooooooo! Me no want this!

Then I found out that this was not due till Monday of next week... (because usually projects for this class are always due at the end of the week) /sweat

Anyway, I was actually really excited about this project because I got to draw animal which is like my favorite thing to draw. I decided to go with German Shepherd since I've been wanting to get one for a while (and hopefully will one day) /please

My biggest challenge for this project was probably finding the textures and materials. Living in a dorm up in the mountain just means that you are very limited in access and this is especially true when you are a boring person who don't own anything interesting and who don't even have that many friends to ask them if they have anything interesting for you to use... Story of my life. But anyway, I was able to manage somehow and got lots of rubbings for one of the collages:

The rubbing collage turned out much easier and more enjoyable than what I expected. I just had to sketch out the dog then basically just pick and choose what looked right then cut out the shapes according to the sketch then paste it on the paper. It really brought me right back to kindergarden where I used to do the same with construction papers :3

After I was done with the first collage, I started on the deceptive drawing one. By deceptive, it just means that it should look too real to be not real... yeah... I used ebony pencil for this and it took me more than 9 hours to complete that drawing /blur However, it was really worth it because this turned out to be the best thing I have ever done in all my life till date. (seriously)

If you're wondering how I was able to produce the furry texture: I basically just sketched the little guy out then continuously make very quick strokes of lines layering upon one another. The trick is to be very swift and free in your wrist movement. You should not be using too much pressure at all unless the part that you're doing has a really dark value. Your hand should also be moving continuously all over to distribute the strokes evenly. Remember to not stop layering!

Seeing how the first two turned out pretty smoothly, I was hoping for the same with the last one. Sadly, that didn't happen :( at first, I was thinking of using withered leaves (which are like everywhere around my campus) because of the similar color. I was thinking of shredding them up then lumping them together on the paper to make it look like fur. So for quite a few days, I went around campus collecting leaves till I had a bag full. I ended up using a single red leaf for the tongue because I realized that I had no patient to continue with this idea (yet I have patient to do the nine-hour drawing...). So I decided to go with brown napkins and paper bags found in the cafeteria instead. As for the black fur parts, I used my school T-shirt as a sacrifice /XD Cutting out that shirt was the worst part for me since I had a small pair of scissors and they can't cut through the cloth easily so those black parts came out pretty messy as you cans see >.< I also cut up small black plastic cups for the nose and the eyes as well if you're wondering why they are shiny :D

Thoughts and Feelings: I am proud of what I produced in this project especially the Trompe L'oeil one. I remember how just 2 years ago, I was still pretty horrible at shading and stuff and now, here I am producing this /please

The one thing I could have done better is probably using a bigger pair of scissors to cut out the cloth and also make more friends so that I have more stuffs to use.

So anyway, what do you think of this project? ^_^

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