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Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Project No.1: The Springing Forth of Life


Objective: This is our very first project for Design & Comp. which requires us to draw a non-representational art while listening to an instrumental-only song/music. The point of this project is to get us to draw using both our sight and hearing senses and also to apply everything we learn about lines.

Progress: To be honest, I thought this was going to be an easy project at first. However when I finally sat down & started doing my sketches, I realized just how I am just not a non-representational art person. /no

The song I decided on listening to is called Memory. It's a very soothing and beautiful piano piece :) when I listen to the piano version of the song, I always imagine of nature and life blossoming & springing forth (it's actually a cheesy love song, however) so I tried my best to capture this loveliness. Here are some of my failed first attempts:

The problem here was that I was trying to be too literal with the music. Whenever the music was soothing, I did flowy lines then when the chorus kicked in, I just went crazy with the strokes so the results were quite messy & the marker didn't help either. I originally wanted to use marker to do this because I was really lazy to do pencil and having to shade thought that it would be easier doing it this way but after a while, I could see that it didn't work out too well so I switched to ebony pencil instead which helped a lot in getting out the different sharpness and quality for the lines. Then this little something came out:

I was so pleased that I decided to work further with it and then TADA! We got what was shown at the beginning of the post :)

Thoughts and Feelings: Certainly there are room for improvements such as I could've pushed the gradient much further to give a bit more balance between light and dark for the piece. However, for the most part I was able to capture what I perceived from the music. The elegant organic lines along with the use of horizontal lines help bring out the soothing melody of the song. The different contrast created by the different line qualities also further emphasize the elegancy. At the same time, there are also these vertical and semi-diagonal lines that seem to branch out which are trying to bring out the dynamic of the chorus. For me, the artwork does capture the "springing-forth life" feeling that I got from the music so yah, I'm pretty proud of this start /blush

That's my thoughts, how about yours? :)

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