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Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Project No.3: Lonely Girl Under The Tree

Value Reduction

Objective: This project is all about value rendering. We are to pick out a colored picture of whatever thing we like then we are to transform that picture into just black and white values. The point of the project is to get us to really know how to pick out lights and darks.

Progress: The picture I decided to go with is this one:

This is a picture of one of my good friends from the Vietnamese group back in high school. I don't think she would ever have thought that her picture would one day have the honor of being rendered by me lol just kidding :P

Anyway, I just went ahead and got the rendering down pretty quickly and easily. But of course, it was not easy trying to pick out the values. If I had just done shading, it would have been easier for me but I was trying out a new style for this project so yah... When our professor passed out the project description paper, both of the examples on there were done in a way where the different values were rendered into shapes:

I always loved this abstract yet realistic-looking style of art so I decided to try it out on this project. I tried to keep it simple for the most part since picking out all the value changes and shapes in the grass and the tree bark would not be fun... (yup, ain't gonna go there... /dignose)

Thoughts and Feelings: I think this is one of my best and my favorite project outcomes out of the bunch. I was able to showcase the different value changes and value contrasts within the artwork. It's a really great feeling to be able to try out an art style you like and succeed in it :D Makes me really proud /blush

The decision to keep only my friend and the tree detailed helps create visual contrast and bring out a clear focal point to the piece itself. The few things I would change for this artwork would be making the tree's shadow longer and blended into my friend's shadow. Also, I would cast a second shadow for my friend as well (although it is not on the original picture but it is valid to do so since I did it for both the tree and the water bottle.)

So anyway, what do you think? :D

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