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Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Project No.4: The Dreaded Midterm Project

Acrylic: grey-toned

Sharpie: black and white contrast

Colored pencils: color

Back to Nature

Objective: This is our mid-term project. It is a three-part project which also consists of our first color project. We are to pick out a fruit or vegetable then it is going to be dissected for us to explore the interior. Then, we are to pick three different interesting compositions from what we observe then render one in black and white contrast only, one in grey values using acrylic paint, and one in color.

Progress: This project was a hard one for me, to be honest /omg At first, I went with an onion because I am very stinky about my money so I just wanted to get the cheapest thing I found in the market :D The sad thing was that I got a white onion so it had absolutely no real color to it. I was not aware of my stupidity at first, I even went ahead and did the black and white high contrast with the onion:

Eventually, after talking to my friend about this, I came to realize that there was no way I could do the colored composition with this thing. So in the middle of the night I ran out to the market and got myself a gourd instead. Then another problem occurred: I didn't have butcher knife to chop this thing up. Long story short, I borrowed the dean's saw and we sawed the thing in half. Why is this detail relevant? Because I think it is funny to tell /wahaha

But anyway, here are the sketches I did for both the gourd and the onion if you are interested :3

The biggest problem I had with this project (aside from picking out the unidentifiably interesting compositions) was the grey valued composition.Since I have never worked with acrylic before, it was a nightmare doing this one. I didn't really know what to do with it at all. Our professor did post a video on how to do shading and blending with the acrylic but it was really hard trying to apply all that in the complicated composition that I chose. This was me the whole time I was doing the thing:

Thankfully, after 4 hours of hopelessness, I was able to finish it though :'D

The other two compositions didn't give me as much trouble. I used sharpie for the black and white high contrast and colored pencils for the colored one which are both mediums that I am familiar with so that was probably why. It did take me a long time to finish coloring though (I stayed up till two that day) but I was just happy to get this project over with, that's for sure /sweat

Thoughts and Feelings: To be very honest, this was probably my least successful project :( None of the compositions turned out the way I hoped them to be. But ah well, this just tells me that I just need to learn more and try harder. It's the effort that counts, right? *trying to comfort myself*
Some of the things I think I could have done to make this project better was probably choosing an easier composition for the grey valued one and not including the top yellow part in the colored one.

So yah, what do you think? 

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